How I Got Here: Peyton Kelgard, Account Executive

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What did you think you were going to be in elementary school or high school?

I was never set on one thing! In elementary school, I would've said a teacher. In middle school, a forensic psychologist, and in high school either an interior designer or a lawyer.

Did you study PR? If so, why? If not, what did you study?

I did! I got my Bachelor's degree from Florida State University (Go Noles!) in Public Relations and my Master's degree, also from Florida State, in Integrated Marketing Communication. Honestly, how I landed on PR as my major was a complete accident. I entered college as "Undecided" and towards the end of my freshman year, the deadline to select a major was quickly approaching. I attended an info session for the College of Communication and thought, “This is kinda cool!” I applied to the program, got accepted and the rest is history.

How did you make your way to Carve?

That’s another complete accident! I had recently moved to Clearwater, FL and was applying to jobs in the area. My childhood friend, and now fellow Carver, Amanda Delgado, reached out after hearing through our mutual friend that I was looking for a job. That's a lot to follow, but that’s the power of networking! Within a week of connecting with Amanda, I was working at Carve!

What do you do today at Carve?

I am an Account Executive on the B2B team. No day or week is ever the same and I dabble in a little bit of everything. A huge part of my job is account management and client communications, which involves providing consistent updates, being available to answer any questions, running weekly client calls, and ensuring all moving parts of the account are on track.

I also spend a lot of time news scanning and conducting media outreach to secure coverage for our clients. The rest of my time is spent developing strategy, brainstorming new creative ideas, staffing media interviews, and managing interns (shoutout Lily!). 

Oh, and last but certainly not least, I am the proud co-founder of the Party Planning Committee and help plan our monthly Virtual Happy Hours, Coffee on Carve hangouts, and our in-person Gathering activities! 

What is the coolest project you've ever worked on - anywhere?

In 7th grade, my stepdad and I built an exact replica of the Shakespeare Globe Theatre for my Literature class. It was very intricate, we definitely spent way too much time on it and it's now memorialized in a mere iPhone photo.

What is the career accomplishment you're most proud of?

For me, this isn't a specific milestone but rather my growth in learning to voice my opinions and share my ideas, both good and bad. When I first started working at Carve, I was incredibly shy and lacked confidence, but luckily Carve is a place that encourages EVERYONE to speak up and share their insight. Fairly early on, I was forced to jump into the deep end, push myself and showcase my abilities. Because of this, I've excelled at a faster pace than I ever thought was possible.

What is your superpower?

Quoting New Girl.

What would you love to learn more about?

I have been wanting to learn more about nutrition. I know what foods are considered "healthy" and "unhealthy" but I don't know what is in each type of food in terms of vitamins, sugars, fats, etc., so I'd love to be more knowledgeable about what I'm eating and how it affects me!

If you were asked to teach someone how to do something in 5 minutes, what would it be?

Upload a press release to the wire.


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